Thursday, November 21, 2013

Boot Camp

Take some time to shape up for the New Year.  The military have boot camps to get their troops ready for a mission.  They have drills, build camaraderie and map out strategies to get their mission accomplished.  I have boot camps for bank professionals with similar goals in mind.  Get reenergized for your mission as a financial expert.   Get away from your daily grind to brainstorm with others who work in a similar area.  Enjoy hearing ideas that may be just what you need to get your team more productive.

In December I am looking forward to spending 3 days in Galveston with other trainers.  The salty sea air is good for invigorating a training program.  Training is a critical element in your bank or credit union success.  A team can’t behave like a team unless they have received training that gives them tools for success.  Come join us for a couple of refreshing days.

I ring in the New Year with a Supervisor Boot Camp Jan 8 – 9 in Houston.   Supervisors set the culture for the team.  When a supervisor is well trained they can then pass on confidence and skills necessary to their group. 

If you have any questions about any of the training or have input for me on how I could best serve the financial community post a comment or contact me by phone or email.

Click on these links for more information, schedule, who should attend and what we will cover

Still learning,


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