Monday, May 3, 2010

Had Your Bell Rung Lately?

"THESE PEOPLE DRIVE ME CRAZY!" How long has it been since you've said that? How long have you been the topic of someone else’s "Drives Me Crazy" list? We have all been there, that's for sure. When we find ourselves thinking or saying these people drive me crazy, there’s no doubt our bell has been rung!

This is a topic that is near and dear to me since I used to hang out in the driving me crazy lane a little too much. It's a stressful place if you're there very long. I am well acquainted with the bell ringing and so is everyone else who manage other people! Or works with the public! Or attempts to live with other people! Or drives in traffic!

So here's what I found out. Everything I do is motivated by my conscious or unconscious belief that it's in my best interest. The issue becomes – okay, just how do I learn what is and what isn't in my best interest? The key is gaining and maturing the knowledge I use to self-evaluate and self-correct.

I have learned a great deal about self-evaluation and self-correction techniques. I was taught by the masters - William Glasser, MD, and Bob Wubbolding, EdD - a process duped WDEP. The acronym stands for:

  • Wanting - what do I want?
  • Doing - what do I need to do to get it?
  • Evaluating - is the want good for me? Is what I am doing helpful?
  • Planning - what will be my plan to get what I want?

Both men are accomplished authors. Dr. Glasser is an internationally recognized psychiatrist who is best known as the author of Reality Therapy, a method of psychotherapy he created in 1965 and that is now taught all over the world. Dr. Wubbolding is the premier teacher and practioner of this theory. I completed the Glasser Institute's three-year program and obtained certification in Reality Therapy several years ago. I teach WDEP every opportunity that comes my way.

A big want we have is to build and sustain successful relationships with others. Most of us that manage others or who parent children or any one of us that wants to excel in key relationships are seeking tools and information that will help us succeed.

You can purchase my recorded workshop - approximately 2 hours in length for $195 - and add some power tools to your quest to master having successful relationships with others! For more information or to order:

Hang up your bell!

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