Monday, June 3, 2013

Choices that Can Stink Up Your Work Reputation

Building a good reputation is important.  Maintaining it will depend on your choices.  Your happiness, success, self-confidence and quality of life increases when you have a good reputation.  Like a degree from a university or badge from the Boy Scouts a reputation, be it good, bad, or questionable is earned.  Make a pact with yourself to earn an enviable one.

There are choices and circumstances that stink up your reputation on the job; a few can sink it.  

Be Careless with Social Networking.
On the job your online "track record" is a powerful ingredient in your overall reputation.  Never forget that content posted and made available to the public can easily be in the hands of those you work with and for.   Questionable photos include any photos that make you or others look bad.  While you may feel confident that only people you want to see it have exclusive access, there is no guarantee others can’t find a way to view them.  

Operate under the assumption that everything you post – photos and comments – will show up on your bosses desk or you mother-in-law’s mailbox.  What might seem fun or the “in thing” to do could put a bad slant on your reputation.

Talk Badly About Others You Work With
Plan on this.  Everything you tell others (even in confidence) will be repeated.  Before you know it your comments are made public.  In other words, what you say, can and will be repeated.  Hurt feelings, betrayal, and bridge burning are all possible outcomes when you talk badly about others.

Choose wisely who you vent to or blow off steam with.  It is human nature to need to do that.  If you want to manage the stress associated with work or talk about those you work with in an unfavorable light, talk to someone not on the payroll.

Listening to others you work with do a number on the character of other co-workers could backfire on your reputation.  Tell others you don’t want the burden of confidentiality and that they should assume you will share what they tell you. It will encourage their discretion and they will go searching for a new ear to bend!

Tattle Tale
If you can't get along with someone or don't like someone, don't bring all they do that you don't like to your supervisor.   Nothing will tarnish a person’s reputation more than being viewed as tattle tale.  Talking behind people's back is a coward's way to send a message.  If you need to work out something with someone go direct to them.  Someone once said “if you can’t say it to the person you are speaking of, you would be better off to not speak about it”.

Jumping over your boss and cutting around them, if you are connected to your supervisor's manager, will find your reputation in jeopardy.  You might even be viewed as a political threat to everyone you work with.   Don't take steps that could undermine your boss.  Respect the chain of command.  Disrespectfulness is long remembered and not easily forgiven.

Keep the shine on your reputation and don’t engage in choices that can tarnish it.

Still learning,


1 comment:

  1. “Building a good reputation is important. Maintaining it will depend on your choices.”—Absolutely true, Honey. Your reputation is always based on what kind of actions you perform. One should be mindful, as well, of the things he or she would say that might hurt a co-worker's feelings.
