Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Grab that Frog and Be Done with It!

I was reminded recently of something Mark Twain is reported to have said, "Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.”

Procrastination is always lurking in the shadows ready to grab my thinking.  When procrastination rules I grow my dread list versus my get it done list.  It’s a tricky thing when you have a dread list. This is the list of what I am convinced I should do but appear committed to find ways or excuses to block me from getting that list wiped out.  The bigger the dread list the greater the procrastination.  Procrastination is barrier to accomplishing priorities.

At our Train the Trainer Boot Camp bank and credit union training professionals often share stories about the progress that gets underway when procrastination doesn’t rule at their company.  Some trainers are people-oriented while others are detail-oriented.  In a financial institution almost every job requires plenty of both.  Here’s the dilemma: if you are a people person, you dread aspects of the detail that is required of you. If you are a detail person, you dread some of the people engagement that comes with your job.

Put an end to feeding procrastination with dreaded intentions and start each day with a list of priorities that foster wiping out dread.

Grab that frog first and be done with it!  Do the unpleasant but important tasks first.

Still learning,


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