Thursday, March 7, 2013

Building Success at the Branch - Part 1

Building a highly successful branch requires serious thought, research, questions, answers and decisions to shape and layout your strategy.  No doubt the struggle for success is execution.  Ideas are everywhere, strategies are abundant, but the lack of execution is what stalls building a high performing branch.  You have homework, you must do the dig.  So here we go.

Every branch must have an owner.  The owner has a clear understanding of what is expected and has created a plan on how to deliver.  All efforts, results, and any issue that impacts the branch is the responsibility for the branch leader.  When ownership is a committee it will move like one – slow, clumsy, no one is sure who really needs to make it happen. 

What do both executive management and the strategic plan expect from the branch?  A realistic, stretch-oriented, measurable approach has to come into play for every branch.  What will you use to be able to say at the end of the year, “We did it!”?

How are the branches structured?   A glaring weakness often is leadership for the branch manager. Sometimes, the manager reports to two supervisors such an operations/branch administration person and the other a branch president.  This can create fear, confusion and conflicting direction.  Who is accountable for how successful the branch manager executes?  Coaching is required for branch managers so they can embrace expectations, receive guidance, encouragement and accountability.  They will learn how to coach best by being coached.

What do your job descriptions look like at the branch level and how current are they?  What are the expectations of each member of the branch team?  Job descriptions and performance plans are how managers and direct reports know who is responsible for what.  Keep expectations clear, current and the focus of coaching.

This is the first in a series of how to build a high performing branch, more on this in a few days…

Still learning,


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