Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Performance Booster Series - Your Reputation

Building a good reputation is an excellent investment. A good reputation can take you much further in life than you can go with a poor one.  Be who you are but be the best you can be while you’re doing it.  The pay-offs are worth every challenge you meet on the road to a good reputation.  Your happiness, success and quality of life increases when you have a good reputation.  Social networking sites have shown all of us that your reputation can be influenced and altered in a second.

Your online reputation begins with content posted and made available to the public.  It's not acceptable to talk badly about others, display or post questionable photos on Facebook or other social networking sites. It will come back to haunt you. Questionable photos include any photos that make you or others look bad; any photos you wouldn't want to share in a job interview. Don't create a false sense of security about who can and who can't see what you post.  All your posts are a click away for all to see; copy and paste and your post just went viral.

Nothing can tarnish a person’s reputation more than being viewed as professionally immature, untrustworthy or dishonest. Hold yourself to a high personal code of conduct so that any day or night of your life could end up in the media and not be an embarrassment.

Remember that how you treat others on the job or at home is likely revealed later in a conversation where you're not present. Do your best to resolve sticky issues without being triggered by your anger and self-centered interests. Disrespectfulness, like rudeness, is long remembered and not easily forgiven. Your actions build your character; your character builds your reputation.

In every role in life you play, whether that is as a family member, spouse, employee, community leader, member of a religious faith, friend, public servant or business leader you represent that partner, group or company to others. So your words and actions, or even the lack thereof, can build up, reinforce or tear down your reputation along with those you represent.

Boost your performance in every role you play.  Build a reputation you can be proud of for yourself, your family and every key connection you have!

Still learning,


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