Monday, April 11, 2011

An Unlikely Friendship

Former President Bill Clinton honored George H W Bush at a gala in Washington with an emotional tribute to a man who was once his biggest rival.  In the 80’s and 90s few would predict a friendship would evolve. By putting egos aside and working together not for politics, but for the greater good, a collaboration of purpose and a friendship was born.  A message of reconciliation and hope was spoken that night.

Americans were first introduced to the “Thousand Points of Light” challenge by President G H Walker Bush in 1989. It was his hope to inspire citizens to become part of  a solution to many needs across the world through volunteerism. Some embraced this, others on night time shows poked fun at the concept. 

Following a heated presidential campaign and losing to Bill Clinton in 1994, Bush departed the Oval Office with dignity and went on to support causes throughout the world.  Clinton stepped into the White House and it could be said that the two, although not enemies, weren’t considered best friends either. No one really expected they would be.

Who would have predicted that years later the points of light concept would bring Bush and Clinton together? The two Presidents teamed up following Katrina, Haiti and other disaster hotspots in the world, bringing relief and hope to many.

What great a great example of team work this is for all of us.  Checking our egos at the door and working together for something bigger than ourselves, makes our own lives and those who live in our neighborhood call the world a better place.

Still learning,


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